Saturday, 29 May 2010

Is it holiday time yet?

Félix played with grandma today....

And then decided he wanted to go on holiday!

Thursday, 27 May 2010

Félix and Grandpa

Today Grandpa Elsworth looked after Félix while I was work. They had fun...

Until Grandpa got bored.....

Then we went for a walk. At first Félix was a bit scared....

But then decided he was happy happy happy....

Wednesday, 26 May 2010

Aunty Victoria

Aunt Torie sent Felix a very special card for his 6 month birthday!!
He enjoyed eating it almost as much as I enjoyed eating my hot
chocolate sticks.... Thanks V ;) !!! Xx

Saturday, 22 May 2010

Busy busy.....

Félix was very busy today. First he did some playing....

Then he helped daddy at work....

Then he did some (very wobbly) sitting...

Tuesday, 18 May 2010

Hanging around

He's so proud if himself in the door bouncer - I think he actually
thinks he's standing up himself!!!

Sunday, 16 May 2010

In the garden at last!

Today was the first time in two weeks we've been able to sit in the garden without being drenched! Félix enjoyed playing with his new musical maraca!

Tuesday, 11 May 2010

My friends

Today Félix met up with some of his friends.

He was very happy to see Bertie, she has changed lots since he last saw her - she looked very pretty even though she had to have her trousers taken off as they were a bit tight!

Ace was there too, eating biscuits and feeding herself her bottle on the sofa. Lily-Lou was there too but she was sleeping! After Félix chewed on a spoon for a while , he resumed his favorite position - upside down!


Félix had a lovely time in Manchester - and was spoilt rotten by his grandparents.

Saturday, 8 May 2010

Flying Félix

Today Félix and I flew to manchester for a quick visit to the grandparents. Félix enjoyed carrying the passports but did not enjoy the flight. He cried. A lot.

Wednesday, 5 May 2010

Shopping is boring....

But that's all there was to do today, because it rained all day!
Felix helped by carrying the pasta and trying to eat my flake.

Tuesday, 4 May 2010

Nells 1st birthday party!!

We went to Nells party today. Felix had fun. He did some dancing

Roll over..roll over

Desperate for his favourite toy (which was positioned cunningly) Félix decided to roll over...not long until he'll be army crawling around the chalet....

Monday, 3 May 2010

Felix has a cruel mother!

Uncle Robbie sent Felix a watermelon fancy dress outfit, and I was a
bit bored yesterday afternoon, the images below were the result!

Sunday, 2 May 2010

Attack of the Llamas....

Today we took Tom and Debbie up to the Merlet animal park in Coupeau today - it poured with rain and we got chased by llamas, but fun never the less!

We got a little bit too close to a Bouquetin

We got very wet

And llamas really did chase us!

Saturday, 1 May 2010

Félix & Gato = Love & Hate

As many of you know Gato is a loving, handsome cat - or at least he was, until Félix arrived on the scene. Now his occasional aggressive streak has become somewhat more pronounced?!

Anyway - hes getting used to Félix and even lets him stroke him now (and pull fistfuls of fur out).


We're not sure that Félix actually enjoys swimming...... he seems fairly apathetic about it all.

But maybe persistance is the key?!

Recent Adventures.....

Félix has been having quite a few adventures recently.

Firstly he climbed a mountain called Mt Veriyer on his daddys birthday - he had a great time and I think the new rucksac was a definite success...

He has also been attempting to try some new drinks - I think he is getting a bit bored of milk!!!!

Welcome to Félix's Blog!

Hi All,
So we've decided to start a Blog for Félix, so I can stop bombarding you all with emails of him and you can check out his latest adventures whenever you like!